Lifford Lane Tip feedback

Do you have opinions on the new booking system for accessing the Lifford Lane recycling centre (or the tip as most of us know it)?

I’ve been asked to collect some information from residents about how they’re finding the new booking system. So I’ve put together a really simple questionnaire below. Sadly whilst there’s still a global pandemic going on I can’t do anything fun, like the dreamcatchers, but hopefully this quick and easy questionnaire will do. Please feel free to pass it on to neighbours or residents who use the Lifford Lane recycling centre / tip as I’m keen to get a variety of responses, not only from those of us who live nearby but also others who may be a little further.

Feedback will be collated and fed back to Birmingham City Council. It’s completely anonymous – I’m not even asking for names or email addresses, just a rough area where you live and your thoughts.

Comments will be collected until the end of Sunday 6th September, collated and fed back to the council, as well as shared on this website.

20 Replies to “Lifford Lane Tip feedback”

  1. As someone who is unable to drive due to medical grounds it is immensely frustrating that only drivers are allowed to use the top. Why not bikes (especially cargo bikes) or residents on foot? This is clear discrimination.

    • As a non-driver I’m with you! I do believe there are plans to look at that (it’s to do with the lorries using the same entrance, is my understanding). Were you able to add that to the questionnaire? You’re certainly not the first person who has said it, and a few saying the same thing will have more effect.

  2. Lifford Lane Tip. I would prefer to SEE the slot/s that are available for booking, rather than selecting a specific date & time only to be told that it is not available and to have to try booking again or to be redirected to another site miles from were you live. The customer could then have then an immediately Date and time confirmation of their selected slot by email. This would then take away the current hit and miss selection process along with the frustration. Many thanks for this opportunity

  3. I hope this system becomes a permanent fixture. The positive impact on congestion and traffic on lifford lane and surrounding roads has been notable and very welcome.

  4. What if you haven’t got a car but live within walking distance? Says no pedestrians but nothing about bicycles.

  5. I hope that the booking system remains after this crisis is over. Otherwise I wish the ‘view your queue’ facility was more responsive. I always tried to use it before visiting the Lifford tip but the system took ages to respond

  6. I think it’s been a great system. No congestion in Lifford Lane, less pollution! Easy to book system, though more dates to select would be great.
    All in all thumbs up.

  7. BCC to do regular big bulk collections again from residential streets, maybe , just maybe this will help towards the fly tipping issues . At least twice a year.

  8. I agree there should be consideration of a facility for customers to be allowed to bring rubbish on foot.

    Although l suspect that H&S considerations due to such large vehicles coming and going might make this difficult if not unworkable.

    Once l myself arrived by car but parked the car in Lifford Lane and walked in with my rubbish (l only had a small amount and wanted to beat the slow moving queue) l was warned that if l did so again l would be “banned”!

    And since then l see there is in fact a sign at the gate confirming that delivery of refuse on foot is not allowed.

  9. a disadvantage because it is Covid is that there is no one to help you and as an older single person this can present problems.

  10. Improved traffic around there 100%. Hope the booking system stays. Hope they manage to sort something for those without cars

  11. Booking system is great, but needs to be more usable.

    More slots need to be made available while COVID risk is low. Low enough to encourage people to sit still inside a restaurant for an hour = more than low enough to allow people to walk around outside for 15 minutes.

  12. The booking system to the tip is the best thing that has happened. Lifford Lane is actually useable now. Some of our elder neighbours have struggled booking due to not having internet access. So maybe telephone booking could also be possible.

  13. Vastly improved system from the old way of queuing. If this system remains there will be an increased use of the green bin system, so a more realistic cost would be appreciated.

  14. This is an excellent system which has benefits for all within the local area, less congestion in the area due to large queues for 1. It is an easy and fair system so you can always get a slot as long as you are a little patient. This should remain in place from now on to prevent all the historical problems returning.

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