Stirchley Tapestry

Did you know the first buses to go down the Pershore Road were horse-drawn…that would certainly liven up a rush-hour trip on the no 45 bus!

Considered Mischief, a collaboration between Heidi Murphy (from The Old Post Office) and Jonny and Dale (from Hipkiss & Graney and Artefact), are looking to make a tapestry of ideas for communities of the future.  Through a series of workshops online, they’re asking Stirchley residents to imagine new buildings, energy sources, transport systems, ways of growing food and all kinds of new inventions that will help them design communities that are safe, sustainable and for everyone.

The workshops are designed for all ages as well as individuals, friends and families, and they’re releasing a new theme each week.  Drawing ability is not important; it’s about fun, imagination and a nice big group project the whole community can work on.

Find out more at  or and follow them on Twitter @LocalMischief and @ConsideredMischief on Instagram.