Lifford Lane Tip survey results

The results are in and it looks like the booking system at Lifford Lane Recycling Centre (aka Lifford Lane Tip) has mainly been a success. There were lots of calls for more slots, although quite a few people seemed to understand this was due to the coronavirus pandemic.

There were over 500 responses to the survey and responses came from across South Birmingham, including B12, B13, B14, B28, B29, B30, B31, B32 and B38. I sent the survey out to a number of local councillors for south Birmingham wards, including Stirchley, Kings Norton, Northfield, Selly Park, Kings Heath and Moseley and a bunch of them shared it. It was also featured on BrumHour too.

The majority of responses felt that the changes to the booking system that required people to book, rather than turn up and wait was positive and that they found the system easy to use. There were a number of responses that requested more availability at Lifford Lane, with some frustration over the lack of slots and the desire to go more regularly than the current system allowed. However there was a general understanding that the spacing between cars once inside the centre was due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

A few responses pointed towards technical improvements to the system, such as allowing visitors to the website to see availability before entering personal details. However most people preferred the booking system overall and praised the reduction in congestion that it had created.

On the whole, from the responses to the questionnaire, residents are happy with the new system and with some tweaks, would prefer for it to continue rather than go back to the old system.

If you want to read the breakdown of the questions and all the comments, they’re all on the Lifford Lane Tip survey report here. Please excuse any typos in it; I put it together rather quickly after the local councillor asked if she could take it to a meeting the next day.

Lifford Lane Tip feedback

Do you have opinions on the new booking system for accessing the Lifford Lane recycling centre (or the tip as most of us know it)?

I’ve been asked to collect some information from residents about how they’re finding the new booking system. So I’ve put together a really simple questionnaire below. Sadly whilst there’s still a global pandemic going on I can’t do anything fun, like the dreamcatchers, but hopefully this quick and easy questionnaire will do. Please feel free to pass it on to neighbours or residents who use the Lifford Lane recycling centre / tip as I’m keen to get a variety of responses, not only from those of us who live nearby but also others who may be a little further.

Feedback will be collated and fed back to Birmingham City Council. It’s completely anonymous – I’m not even asking for names or email addresses, just a rough area where you live and your thoughts.

Comments will be collected until the end of Sunday 6th September, collated and fed back to the council, as well as shared on this website.