Temporary trial measures for Stirchley

Have you spotted the changes on Stirchley High Street yet?

I was really excited to see that finally we’re getting a pedestrian refuge on Bournville Lane. Along with the work the councillor and local residents have been doing with Mondelez to reduce the numbers of lorries travelling down the road (and getting stuck at the bridge), the new layout will make it far more friendly for people crossing from the main high street area to Stirchley Baths or the new Morrisons.

I’m particularly pleased because I got to do the walk around and help add to some suggestions before they went to the drawing board. I’m also championing parklets on the high street because they will add more seating, more greenery and outside seating that can be used by the community – or for some of the businesses on the high street that need places to have people wait before their appointment or even enjoy a bite to eat at.

Some of the other changes might seem a bit controversial but they’re really not – they’re a positive move in making Stirchley greener, cleaner and a better place to live.  I wrote a very long blog post on my other website to explain more about the changes and why they are positive. In short these are;

  • Birmingham City Council reports 25% of all car journeys are less than a mile
  • Retailers overestimate the number of people who use cars to get to their businesses
  • Suggestions up to 30 percent of driving is people looking for parking
  • Access to green spaces makes people happy

Birmingham City Council are actively consulting on these throughout the measures being in place and you can add your thoughts on a special emergency transport plan consultation website here.

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